Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What is happiness to me?

What happiness is to me is when you feel that warmth in you. That light that's building up in you and you want it to stay there forever, that's what I believe happiness is.

  • Happiness is loving myself no matter what.
  • Happiness is making others smile when they're feeling down.
  • Happiness is spending time with the ones you love.
  • Happiness is interacting with others and enjoying it.
  • Happiness is drawing and being satisfied with the results.
  • Happiness is playing video games like Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, COD: Black Ops 3 and many other games alike to those.
  • Happiness is going to the pet store and petting all the animals.
  • Happiness is reading my favorite books.
  • Happiness is skyping with my best friends.
  • Happiness is playing around with my siblings.
  • Happiness is completing one of my art projects.
  • Happiness is going downtown with my sister.
  • Happiness is living life to its fullest.
  • Happiness is loving my friends and family no matter who they are.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Super Cereal Bowl Commercial

What I think was the most interesting Super Bowl Commercial was the "Born the Hard Way - Budweiser" Commercial. Yes, it is a beer commercial and whatnot, but it was inspiring in many ways. If you actually analyzed what the video was portraying you would actually see that it states a satisfyingly, inspirational theme. As you might know, Budweiser is the 3rd best selling beer. That means that many people in America like the way Budweiser tastes and buys it. Wouldn't the company earn a lot of money because of this?
Now imagine your product being the 3rd best selling item in America. It may not be the best, but at least you made it close to the top. You would most likely call that a success, right? What I'm trying to prove is the fact that they were successful because they fought through their troubles in order to achieve their dream. In this commercial they showed a man going through his consequences when he was Immigrating. He was being pushed away by others that didn't want him, he had to travel across seas and lands for hours on end, he had to live through all these troubles and he was still waiting for his dream. Those problems didn't stop him though. He kept fighting, no matter the troubles he went through, he still kept fighting for his dream. And it strikes me as phenomenal becuase I've seen many people give up the minute things go hard for them. Meanwhile, this man fought through his troubles because he believed in himself. He believed in his future. He believed his dream would come true. And they did because he went searching for answers during his immigration life. Also, in the end of the commercial it states, "When nothing stops your dream, this is the beer we drink." He didn't let anything stop him from reaching his dream, and now Budweiser is 3rd best selling beer in the US. Amazing, isn't it? What your dreams can possibly do for the world? It's inspiring. This is why I thought the most interesting Super Bowl Commercial was the "Born the Hard Way - Budweiser" commercial. It's inspirational, satisfying, and motivational. It's encouraging others to not give up on their dreams no matter what is in their way.

Don't give up on YOUR dream. 💙🖤

Link: Budweiser SuperBowl Commercial

Friday, February 3, 2017

Hammy Man

Alexander Hamilton, one of the great founding fathers of the US, is who I'm reading.
If you know already, there's a musical of Alexander Hamilton and his life story. And if you don't know, it's about one of the founding fathers of the United States, Alexander Hamilton. The musical retells his story but in the form of music. There are 45 parts and 2 acts. It goes through and tells what he's done and such. (It's kind of addicting in my view)
When I read the book, it kept reminding me of the musical. I understood almost everything. Then I thought that if I didn't hear the musical before I probably wouldn't have understood as much. Anyways when I read it, there were things that I didn't even know about Alex! Like for example, I knew he had 7 children and I know that one was named Philip and another was named Alexander Jr (I think). But what I didn't know was that they had a daughter named Angelica. They named their child after Eliza's (Hamiltons wife) sister! That's so adorable!
Honestly it's kind of sad to think about what Hamilton had gone through. His mom died, his dad left him, and his cousin committed suicide. Then after a while, people in his life died one by one. It's surprising to see what his life was like. One of the founding fathers that changed the world, had gone through something so tough. Yet he lived through it.
Also he was pretty young when he first had things like this going on. Anyways, I apologize for telling his whole life story again in one Blog but he's just so interesting.

(By the way, Marquis de LaFayette is amazing as well.)

If you want to hear the musical for yourself (I would recommend it) then here's the link to it: Alexander Hamilton